“Peter Turrini. Return to My Point of Origin”

„Golden Academy ROMY Award 2017“ for “Best Documentary Film”
Photos of the celebration of the ROMY Academy:
previously shown in:
Filmstudio Villach
DAS KINO, Salzburg
LEOKINO Innsbruck
Cinema Paradiso, St. Pölten und Baden
Moviemento Linz
Top Kino Wien
Bellaria Kino Wien
Volkskino Klagenfurt
Rechbauerkino Graz
Stadtkino Villach
Stadttheater Klagenfurt
Theater in der Josefstadt
A documentary with Peter Turrini by Ruth Rieser
Doc., 90 min. / A 2014 / Subtitle in D, E and F
Supported by Österreichisches Filminstitut, Land Kärnten Kultur, Kultur Niederösterreich and other sponsors.
Peter Turrini, austrian author, born 1944 in St. Margarethen/Lavanttal, grew up in Maria Saal, Carinthia. Since 1971, freelance writer, lives in Kleinriedenthal near Retz. His works have been translated into over 30 languages, his plays are performed worldwide. www.turrini.at
Still images from the shooting:
Return to my Point of Origin
The “Tonhof” in the small Carinthian town of Maria Saal is the “point of origin” of the documentary film about and with Peter Turrini. Here, in the 50s and 60s, the artist couple Maja and Gerhard Lampersberg kept an open house for “completely unknown art nuts”, as Turrini describes it in the film — from Thomas Bernhard to Christine Lavant and many others. For the 15-year-old PeterTurrini, the “Tonhof” was a magical place, his “first place to call “home” – laboratory, enclave, cradle of Austrian post-war literature”.
The late Dietmar Pflegerl, director and artistic director of the Klagenfurt City Theater, commissioned the author to write a play about this period.
At the premiere of At the Fall of Darkness in 2006, it was actress and filmmaker Ruth Rieser who played Claire.
now, in her documentary, with its calm rhythm and intense images, she lets the Austrian playwright speak – thoughtful, candid, gentle. Without any resentment or voyeurism, the conversation carefully retraces the heartbeat of the “Tonhof” and its late owners. The 70-year-old Peter Turrini reveals himself as an attentive friend of the young generation, gifted with a keen awareness of the now.
images of the town and the estate blend with evocative readings in the barn of the “Tonhof” and in the rooms of the house, which have remained practically unchanged, to make this documentary an extraordinarily personal portrait of Peter Turrini.
Idee, Drehbuch, Regie und Produktion: Ruth Rieser
Kamera: Volker Gläser und Manuela Wilpernig (Dreh/Frühjahr)
Kamera: Volker Gläser, Robert Schabus, Helmut Sommer (Dreh/Sommer)
Kamera Luftaufnahmen: Rudi Schneeberger
Kameraassistenz: Mike Siebert (Dreh/Frühjahr)
Ton: Georg Ulbing
Maske: Elfriede Martinu
Standfotos: Karlheinz Fessl
Aufnahmeleitung: Manuela Wilpernig (Dreh/Frühjahr)
Aufnahmeleitung: Robert Schabus (Dreh/Sommer)
Catering: Milena Hudl / Île de France
Schnitt: Michou Hutter
Sounddesign: Andreas Frei
Farbkorrektur: Karim Shafik
Übersetzung des gesprochenen Textes:
Französisch: Neda Kalonji
Englisch: Stafford Hemmer
Koordinierung: Caroline Handler
UT-Setzung: D: Diana Holzer E: Manuela Wilpernig F: Cornelia Märki
Grafik, Filmabspann: Gregor Müller
Postproduktion Betreuung: Ralf Reppin und Robert Schabus
Produktionsleitung: Kurt Werner „Mingo“ Krusche
Produzentin: Ruth Rieser
RR* Filmproduktion
Viennese cinema premiere in the Top Kino
Photos: Robert Newald
derstandard.at – Newalds Photoblog: Filmpremiere “Peter Turrini: Rückkehr an meinen Ausgangspunkt”
Photos: Horst Griessler
Carinthian cinema premiere in the Stadtkino Villach
Photos: Horst Griessler
Press review:
Die Bühne von Hans Langsteiner, Ausgabe Jänner 2017
Die Presse von Norbert Mayer vom 10. Jänner 2017
Der Standard von Michael Pekler vom 11. Jänner 2017
derstandard.at – Newalds Photoblog: Filmpremiere “Peter Turrini: Rückkehr an meinen Ausgangspunkt”
Ö1 Interview von Judith Hofmann mit Ruth Reiser im Mittagsjournal am 13. Jänner
ORF Heute Leben vom Wolfram Pirchner mit Peter Turrini, Live-Gespräch am 13. Jänner
Press folder:

© RR* Filmproduktion 2014